Workshop Lecture 3 – The Economics of Leisure Time: Micro and Macro Studies

Penyelenggara : Departemen Ilmu Ekonomi FEB UGM
Lokasi : FEB UGM
Kontak : Najla (081326697727)
Suci (089653412331)
Website :
Waktu : Thursday, 16 May 2024

The Department of Economics at FEB UGM is hosting workshop lectures on The Economics of The Household, “Advancing Economic Empowerment through Gender-Inclusive Approach” with Professor Elena Stancanelli, as a guest lecturer from the Paris School of Economics. UGM students and public have the opportunity to register for workshop lectures on The Economics of The Household with limited seats availability. Interested students need to formally register for the workshop lectures by select each session you will be attending.

The Workshop Lectures will schedule the following events:

  • Thursday, 16 May 2024
    • The Economics of Leisure Time: Micro and Macro Studies
      Time: 13.30 – 16.00 WIB


  • Participants: Students, Lecturers, Researchers, Practitioners, and General Public
  • Fill out the online registration form provided, click here
  • This event will be held offline on the FEB UGM campus

Commitment fee of Rp150.000 is required:
* Bank Mandiri : 1380022131259 a.n. Suci Maharani
* Gopay : 081326697727 a.n. Shasa

Participant will receive a e-certificate corresponding to the attended session(s). A formal confirmation email will be sent to participant maximum one day prior to the first session of the course.

For further information and any inquiries regarding this event, please contact the contact person:
Najla (081326697727)
Suci (089653412331)
or via email: