Graduates are able to identify economic problems, analyze them and offer intelligent solutions.
Graduates have knowledge of:
The condition for efficiency in resource allocation.
The theory of economic growth, inflation, unemployment, income distribution and international trade.
Some of the specialized field of economics, such as development economics, finance, international, natural resources, human resources, public sector, agriculture.
Characteristics of Indonesian institutions and developing countries in general and its difference from developed countries.
The close link between economic success with political, legal and social aspects.
Using a variety of quantitative methods in economic analysis (statistics, econometrics, etc.).
Graduates have the ability and expertise to:
Implement the tools in micro and macro economic theory to solve economic problems.
Follow the debates in economic theory, to distinguish between robust theory and logical fallacy, and understand how differences in economic recommendations may arise.
Communicate economic reasons in writing and orally and to understand written and spoken opinion of others.
Have a special knowledge in development economics, business economics, monetary economics, public economics, or international economics.
Graduates have the attitude to:
Respect the plurality of views that may arise regarding economic issues.
Confidence in expressing opinions based on knowledge and initiative.
Persistence in working and resilience in facing the problem.
Graduates have the moral values of:
Concern with the socio-economic condition of society.
The responsibility for what he did as an individual and what should be done as part of a small community of elite Indonesian nation must become the motor of positive change and development.