Economics Laboraties

Economics Laboratories

As one of the world class research university, one main duty of the departments across Universitas Gadjah Mada is to conduct researches related to their respective specialties. To support this mission, we in the Department of Economics have the Economics Laboratories, which consists of Macroeconomics Dashboard, Microeconomics Dashboard, The Center for Islamic Economics and Business Studies, The Center for Poverty and Inequality Alleviation Studies, and The Spatial Research on Regional & Sustainability Economics Working Group.


Economics Laboratories also hosts various research groups in the Department of Economics. To date, we have several topics as research interests in our department:


  • Macroeconomics
  • Monetary Economics
  • International Economics
  • Public Economics
  • Economics of Energy
  • Crime Economics
  • Educational Economics
  • Experimental Economics

Macroeconomic Dashboard

Macroeconomic Dashboard is one of economic laboratory facilities administered by Faculty of Economic and Business University of Gadjah Mada since September 2012. This facility is supported by PT. Bank Mandiri Tbk.


Mission of Macroeconomic Dashboard is public education by providing data, analysis, information, or economic opinion without pretention. Its aims are to provide data for the whole civitas academica, to train students and alumnae in economic analysis, and to become an alternative medium for public to learn about economy.


Macroeconomic Dashboard comes as a connection between economic researches on a sophisticated journal but is distant with publics, and mainstream medium which tends to be instant-pragmatic but poses a huge impact on society.


In order to realize its missions and aims, Macroeconomic Dashboard’s outputs consist of CEIC Database service, data updates and economic analysis on the website, quarterly Indonesian Economic Review and Outlook (IERO) publication, and economic news via Twitter.


For futher information
Twitter: MacroDashboard
Instagram: MacroDashboard

Microeconomic Dashboard

Center for Microeconomics Research and Dashboard is a field of study within the scope of Microeconomics studies which is under the auspices of the Laboratory of the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University.


Center for Microeconomics Research and Dashboard operates based on the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which includes Education, Research and Community Service.


The Center for Microeconomics Research and Dashboard serve in the field of provision of micro data, training on micro data processing, discussion of microeconomics issuessharing sessions, and various forms of written output and infographics regarding research in the field of microeconomics.


For futher information
Twitter: Micdash_UGM
Instagram: Micdash_UGM

The Center for Islamic Economics and Business Studies

The development of Islamic economics in the world has been growing rapidly. Research and scientific studies in Islamic Economics become a necessity. This was responded by several activists of Islamic Economics (Prof. Ainun Na’im, Drs. Dumairy MA., Edhie Purnawan, Ph.D., Taufikur Rahman, MBA., Akhmad A. Susamto, Ph.D.) in Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM to initiate the establishment of an Islamic economics and business studies center at UGM.


Presence of high thoughts and intentions, they established LEBI (Laboratory of Islamic Economics and Business) in Ramadan 1429 H (2008). Furthermore, with the high support from EBReDA (Economics and Business Research and Development Agency) Penelitian Pelatihan Ekonomika dan Bisnis (P2EB) FEB UGM, Pusat Kajian Ekonomika dan Bisnis Syariah (PKEBS) FEB UGM as a research center which is an extension of LEBI FEB UGM successfully established in 2016.


For futher information
Instagram: Pkebs_FEBUGM

The Center for Poverty and Inequality Alleviation Studies

The field of study on poverty alleviation and inequality EQUITAS is a research area under the auspices of the Laboratory of the Department of Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada. EQUITAS was established in January 2024 as a research platform that focuses on issues of poverty and inequality in society.


EQUITAS aims to be a center of excellence for research on poverty and inequality in Indonesia. It is expected that EQUITAS will produce research, studies, bulletins, and opinion columns that can serve as references for policymakers and as a source of information for the general public. In the relationship between FEB and partners in the field of study and inequality (such as TNP2K, UNICEF, World Bank), EQUITAS will serve as a research channeling and research feedback entity to meet the needs of that field.


For futher information

Spatial Research in Regional and Sustainability Economics Working Group

The Spatial Research on Regional & Sustainability Economics Working Group (SpaRSE) was established considering that socio-economic research using grid data structures is increasingly feasible at present. SpaRSE is one of the study and research areas formed by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada to provide grid-based data for advanced socio-economic assessments and studies in Indonesia.


SpaRSE has several objectives, both aligned with the vision, mission, and strategic plans proposed by the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, as well as in accordance with the direction of sustainable development goals (SDGs). SpaRSE is expected to serve as an "academic home" and play a role as a research channeling and feedback mechanism for lecturers, researchers, and students. SpaRSE is also expected to serve as a platform for developing analyses of the linkages between regional economies and sustainable development aimed at achieving comprehensive contributions towards a more sustainable future.


For futher information
Instagram: SpaRSE FEB UGM